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5 Hygiene Rules For Your Restaurant’s Kitchen


Hygiene is the heart of the hospitality industry. Restaurant owners need to make sure they are meticulously following all protocols to keep their kitchens clean. To help you, we’ve listed 5 hygiene rules in the restaurant kitchen that you need to follow.

1. Maintaining Personal Hygiene

When it comes to listing hygiene rules for your restaurant, kitchen staff maintaining their personal hygiene is at the top. Good hygiene always starts with the staff first. The restaurant kitchen itself is a hotspot for dirt, bacteria, and germs but to reduce that, always wash hands regularly, tie your hair, wear hair nets, and make sure the towels are always cleaned.

Hygiene Rules For Your Restaurant Kitchen - Washing Hands

2. Check Temperature Regularly

The restaurant industry’s main purpose is to serve delicious quality food. Therefore, constantly checking the fridge and the freezer temperature is critical to maintaining hygiene rules for your restaurant. If the temperature is not meeting the criteria, then you must investigate the issue further otherwise the bacteria will multiply within the food.

Restaurant Kitchen

3. Clean As You Go & Avoid Cross-Contamination

The restaurant kitchen is a busy place to be in when the hour’s peak and customers are waiting for their food. Train your staff to get into the habit of always cleaning as they go. Wipe the kitchen surfaces down if they see a stain or clean the dishes immediately. Always make sure staff are using the correct detergents when starting up the dishwasher.

Furthermore, make sure you clean the utensils and cutting boards for different food types. Everyone has different food diets and preferences so clean thoroughly to avoid cross-contamination.

Wine Glasses in dishwasher

4. Book A Laundry Service

Running and managing a restaurant can get intense and sometimes, restaurants could use some help. That’s why Laundryheap offers commercial services to restaurants. We’ll clean your staff uniform, kitchen towels, table linens, tablecloths etc. Not only that but we also rent towels to your restaurant.

All you need to do is visit our website, book a service with us and we will collect your items for cleaning!

Maintain Hygiene Rules For Your Restaurant with Laundryheap - Laundry service

5. Food is Stored Correctly

Storing food correctly is essential, especially in a restaurant. Following this 5th hygiene rule for your restaurant would ensure food is kept in good condition and it won’t be left to rot. For instance, always stock food and drinks using the FIFO method (first in first out) and always make sure you are keeping tabs on the expiry date.

Restaurant food

These 5 hygiene rules for your restaurant are important to a successful hygiene review. Customers as a result would be keener to visit your restaurant because a well-looked-after restaurant builds trust.

To learn more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free app on iOS or Android.

5 thoughts on “5 Hygiene Rules For Your Restaurant’s Kitchen

  1. Consistency is crucial in commercial kitchens to maintain the quality and taste of dishes across multiple servings.

  2. As a food enthusiast and someone who frequents restaurants regularly, I cannot stress enough how crucial it is to maintain impeccable hygiene in the heart of any restaurant – its kitchen. The blog rightly states that maintaining the hygiene of restaurant starts with the staff In conclusion, these 5 hygiene rules are not just guidelines; they are the pillars of a successful and trustworthy restaurant. By adhering to these principles, establishments can inspire trust among their customers and maintain a stellar reputation in the competitive food industry.

  3. Pingback: 4 Must-Know Trends in The Restaurant Industry In 2023 - Laundryheap Blog - Laundry & Dry Cleaning

  4. Pingback: Choosing The Right Apron - The Guide - Laundryheap Blog - Laundry & Dry Cleaning

  5. Hey, nice article about 5 hygiene rules for your restaurant kitchen. I am also into the cleaning business, so I know the importance of it. I will definitely follow these for my company to give the best possible services to my customers. Keep on adding this type of valuable content again and again. Hope to read more from you. Thank you.

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