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Why Clean Clothes Can Boost Your Mental Well-Being

In the busy rush of everyday life, we often overlook the importance of having clean clothes. It’s not just about how they make us look; there’s more to it than meets the eye. That’s right, clean clothes can boost your mental-well being, especially when it comes to productivity in the office. In this blog, we will explain why freshly laundered clothes can profoundly influence our mental-well being and also serve as a catalyst for a confident booster.

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3 Time-Saving Tips for Busy Businesses

Running a business can be a thrilling and rewarding experience. It also comes with its fair share of challenges like managing tasks and time efficiently. As a busy business manager, you’re constantly juggling multiple responsibilities, leaving you with little room and time to spare. In this blog, we’ll share some invaluable time-saving tips for busy businesses.

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The Dos and Don’ts of Caring For Your Suit

Suits mean style, elegance, and professionalism and when washed properly, can result in compliments coming your way in the office. However, washing a suit isn’t as straightforward as it sounds and if you’re not cautious, you could end up ruining your suit. Let’s be honest, nobody wants to turn up in a meeting with a messy suit! To save you from having a bad day at the office, we’ve come up with a guide on dos and don’t of caring for your suit.

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3 Reasons Why Your Office Needs a Laundry Service

The office environment, much like any other work environment, does get overwhelming with the tasks. Even after completing these tasks, it can feel like work truly doesn’t stop as your employees still need to make sure they clean their uniforms when they get home. Fortunately, Laundryheap is the solution to keeping your employees morale up! In this blog, we’ll list 3 reasons why your office needs a laundry service.

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How to be happy at work

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

They say that if you love what you do then you will never work a day in your life. No matter how much you love your job, there will always be times when you feel stressed, unmotivated, and/or overwhelmed. When you find yourself having one of these days, this is what you can do to make yourself feel happier. 

  • Start your day off positively 
  • Create a to-do list
  • Eat and drink healthily 
  • Make sure you move
  • Create a mood-boosting playlist
  • Know your support system
  • Create an office home
  • Take your full lunch break 
  • Don’t put too much pressure on yourself 
  • Think about the positives

Start your day off positively 

How you feel in the morning will set the tone for the rest of your day. If you start off your day with a positive morning routine, then you are more likely to enjoy the rest of your day. Your positive morning routine could include having 6-8 hours of sleep every night, doing a 30-minute workout or yoga session, practicing mindfulness, or making sure that you eat a healthy and balanced breakfast. Whatever your routine is, it should include activities that make you feel happy and ready to take on the day. 

Photo by jonas mohamadi from Pexels

Create a to-do list 

Creating a to-do list is scientifically proven to reduce stress and anxiety by allowing you to structure your day around what has to be achieved. If you find yourself overwhelmed with your workload, try separating your tasks into what needs to be completed as soon as possible, what needs to be completed within the week/month, and what can wait to be completed at a later date. This will help you to prioritise your tasks so that you can focus solely on what needs to be completed urgently. In addition, checking off each item on your list will give you a sense of accomplishment which will help spur you on to complete your next task. 

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood from Pexels

Eat and drink healthily 

Staying hydrated and eating a healthy and balanced diet can improve concentration, make you more alert, and boost your energy levels. The human brain is 75% water and requires a constant flow of it to carry out every conscious function. If you do not stay adequately hydrated, your brains cells can not function at the level they should, leading to a lower attention span. Similarly, the brain is fuelled by what we eat and it needs vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to function at its highest capacity. If you deprive your brain of the nutrients it needs this will lead to a lower mood, lowered concentration, and headaches. 

Photo by Kaboompics .com from Pexels

Make sure you move

When you are concentrating on a task it can be easy to let time slip away from you. Before you know it, you’ve been hunched over your desk for hours without moving. Walking away from your workspace, if only for a few minutes, re-stimulates the brain and improves productivity. Throughout the day walk to another area of your office, to a colleagues desk, or even outside for a quick breath of fresh air. Being in a different environment or with another colleague can distract you from your work for a few minutes until you have reset your mood and you are back to feeling positive and ready to work. 

Photo by Alexander Suhorucov from Pexels

Create a mood-boosting playlist

Studies have found that when you listen to upbeat music when you are feeling down your mood will lift. This is because the music triggers the release of dopamine, which is a chemical that makes us feel happy. If you are feeling particularly down or stressed at work, have a mood-boosting playlist on hand, filled with all of your favourite upbeat songs. Your mood will be lifted before the playlist has finished. 

Photo by Michael Burrows from Pexels

Know your support system

Work can be an incredibly stressful environment so it’s important to know what support systems there are in place. Most workplaces will have a HR team who you can talk to about your workload. Some workplaces also have additional support systems such as mental health officers, in-house therapists, or mental health days. Explore these options and discuss with your manager or HR team what might work best for you. Aside from this, it’s good to have a support network of colleagues who you can unwind and vent with. These friends will offer an escape in the middle of the work day when you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed. 

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Create an office home

Surrounding yourself with items that bring you comfort can lead you to feeling more relaxed and happy at work. It’s important to remember that your desk is a professional space, however, a couple of pictures, plants, and decorations that make you smile can bring you joy whilst you’re working. 

Photo by Anthony Shkraba from Pexels

Take your full lunch break

When you are focused on a task it can be easy to let time escape you. That being said, it is important that you take your full lunch break, regardless of how busy you are. Taking a rest in the middle of the day to step away from your work, eat a healthy meal, and rehydrate will reset your brain and allow you to focus for the rest of the day. If possible, try to get out of your office building and go for a walk. The fresh air and moving your muscles will ease any built up tension, relax your body, and improve your mood. What will make your lunch break even better is if you can share it with someone. 

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself 

It’s hard to not put pressure on yourself when it comes to work, but to stay happy it’s important to try and not pressure yourself too much. Putting too much pressure on yourself can lead to being unproductive and feeling disappointed in your abilities. Rather than pressuring yourself to complete an inconceivable amount of tasks in a day, set yourself reasonable goals and feel proud when you’ve achieved each of them. Even if you don’t achieve all of your goals each day, be proud of what you have accomplished rather than focusing on what you haven’t.

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

Think about the positives 

Similarly to not putting too much pressure on yourself, it’s important to think about the positives of your work day rather than the negatives. At the end of each day, think about what you have achieved and the goals that you have accomplished. Alongside this, think about any positive things that have happened throughout your day that made you happy. This could include having lunch with a friend, a positive conversation with a manager, or even just a nice biscuit with your tea. Even the smallest positives can make you smile and feel happier about your day at work. 

Photo by Michael Burrows from Pexels

When you get home from work the last thing you want to do is laundry. So, let us do your laundry for you instead. Simply head to the Laundryheap website or download the free Laundryheap app to book your order today. 

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How to dress for summer in the office

Photo by from Pexels

If you’re heading back to the office this summer, make sure you have these staples in your wardrobe to help beat the heat. 

  • Linen shorts
  • Linen trousers
  • Sleeveless blazer
  • Jumpsuits 
  • Cotton dress 
  • Midi skirts
  • Midi dress
  • Shirtdress
  • Wrap top
  • White shirt

Linen shorts

Shorts may seem too informal to wear to the office, but linen shorts are both cooling and look professional. Linen conducts heat, which means that the heat from your body can escape through the fabric keeping you cool. As long as the shorts you choose are tailored and an office appropriate length, then there is no reason why you shouldn’t be able to wear them. 

Image by Charlotte Powell

Linen trousers

If linen shorts aren’t for you, then try a pair of linen trousers. The linen material will work in exactly the same way as the shorts, with the only difference being the full leg. For extra coolness, try and find a wide leg trouser. 

Photo by Dellon Thomas from Pexels

Sleeveless blazer  

Blazers are a staple in any office, but in the summer, ditch the sleeves and opt for a sleeveless blazer. You will still look professional, however, the missing sleeves will keep your arms bare to the summer breeze. A sleeveless blazer can be paired effortlessly with any garment, however, to add to the look, try a co-ord. 

Photo by Canva Studio from Pexels


Jumpsuits are perfect for all seasons because of the variety of lengths, fits, and materials you can buy them in. They are perfect for quickly throwing on and are comfortable yet professional. To remain cool during the summer, it’s best to opt for a light-weight jumpsuit made from a breathable fabric, such as cotton or linen. Looser fitting jumpsuits are always best for the summer months because you don’t have material clinging to you, making you warmer and more uncomfortable. You may also want to opt for a white or bright coloured jumpsuit as these will reflect the sun, keeping you cool. 

Cotton dress

Similarly to linen, cotton is a breathable fabric that is soft, lightweight, and soaks up sweat. Cotton dresses are ideal for summer in the office because they are lightweight and won’t cling to you, but remain professional looking. Additionally, a cotton dress can be easily transitioned from day to night, which makes it the perfect outfit for a day in the office, followed by after-work drinks. 

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Midi skirts 

Midi skirts have been a fashionable wardrobe staple since 2019, and are ideal for keeping cool in the office. A skirt is midi if the hem ends halfway between the knee and ankle- it has all the benefits of a shorter skirt, without having to expose your full leg. Midi skirts can be found in a variety of materials and fun patterns, which make them perfect for summer in the office. You can pair a bright midi skirt with a crisp white shirt and look professional whilst remaining cool. 

Photo by Godisable Jacob from Pexels

Midi dress

A midi dress is the alternative to a midi skirt. Similarly to a midi skirt they come in a multitude of fabrics, colours, and patterns, so you can wear something bold without looking unprofessional. There are many different cuts of midi dress, which makes them wearable for all ages and any body types. Like a jumpsuit, a lightweight midi dress is perfect for throwing on in the morning and is guaranteed to keep you cool throughout the working day. 

Photo by @thiszun (follow me on IG, FB) from Pexels

Shirt dress

Shirt dresses are another great choice of dress for staying cool in the summer. A shirt dress borrows details from a typical shirt, such as a collar, buttons, and/or cuffed sleeves, and is made from the same materials as a shirt would be, such as cotton. These dresses are ideal office wear as they have all of the professional benefits or looking like a shirt, with none of the hassle of pairing it with bottoms. Like normal shirts, shirt dresses are incredibly breathable and can be found in many different cuts, making a loose fitting style perfect for staying cool during the summer months. Additionally, shirt dresses can be found in a multitude of lengths, making them a great choice for any office worker. 

Photo by Polina Kovaleva from Pexels

Wrap top 

Wrap tops are made from two triangles of fabric which are overlapped and tied at the back or side. They come in a variety of sleeve lengths, colours, and patterns, but for staying cool in the workplace a short or three-quarter length sleeve and bright colour is preferable. You can find wrap tops in many different materials, however cotton is best for remaining cool. Pair your wrap top with a midi skirt, linen trouser, or linen short, and you won’t even break a sweat. 

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

White shirt 

The classic white shirt is an office staple and perfect for the summer. White is optimal to wear no matter what clothing you are wearing during the summer because it does not absorb heat as much as black or darker colours do. A white cotton or linen shirt will keep you cool whilst you work, and is also easy to pair with a brightly coloured skirt, linen trouser, or shorts.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Heading back to the office can be difficult after working from home. More of your time will be spent commuting, you have to leave earlier and will get back home later, and you still have a list of household chores to deal with. Luckily, you can tick laundry off of that list, because we’ve got it covered. Book your Laundryheap order today and we will have your clothing picked up, laundered, and redelivered to you in as little as 24 hours. To book your Laundryheap order, simply head to the Laundryheap website or download the free Laundryheap app.

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Staying cool whilst working from home

Photo by Elle Hughes from Pexels

Working from home is challenging at the best of times, but it’s made even harder during the summer months. Studies have shown that hot days can decrease productivity by 24%. That being said, these tips will hopefully make working from home in the summer a little more bearable. 

  • (Under)dress for the job
  • Freeze your feet
  • Let in air 
  • Avoid fans
  • Cool your pulse point 
  • Stay hydrated 
  • Eat smart
  • Go outside
  • Sit at a desk/table 
  • Try to alter your working hours

(Under)dress for the job

One of the joys of working from home is that, unless on a video call, nobody can see you. That means that you can dress, or underdress, in whatever way makes you feel comfortable. If that means wearing shorts and a vest to help cool yourself down, that’s up to you to decide. You make your own dress code when working from your own home. 

Photo by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels

Freeze your feet

Have you ever been so hot that you wish that you could stick your feet in the freezer until autumn comes? Well, that’s because your feet and ankles have many pulse points and are sensitive to heat. If you put something cold on them then your whole body will cool down. Try and freeze a hot water bottle, or a similar object, and rest your feet against it whilst you work. You will notice your body instantly cooling.  

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Let in air

This may seem obvious, but a good way to help cool yourself down is to let in the fresh air. What may not be as obvious is to open your windows but shut your curtains. Blocking the sun with your curtains will prevent your home from becoming a sticky greenhouse, whilst keeping your windows open will allow any breeze to drift through and cool your abode. 

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Avoid fans

Although fans are a popular way to stay cool during the summer they are not the best way to beat the heat. Fans circulate the hot air in a room rather than cool it, which means that once the fan is turned off you are still left with a stiflingly hot room. If you are going to use a fan, place a 2-liter bottle of frozen water in front of it. This will help to cool the air slightly rather than just circulating it. 

Photo by Enrique Zafra from Pexels

Cool your pulse point 

Pulse points are the areas of the body where blood vessels are close to the surface of the skin, which is why we can feel our pulses. Because the blood vessels are so close to the surface of the skin, they are also a great way to quickly cool down our blood and, subsequently, body temperature. Take regular breaks throughout the day to apply ice packs to your wrists, neck, chest, and temples. It may also be a good idea to apply a damp cloth to the back of your neck whilst you’re working to maintain a cool temperature throughout the day. 

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated keeps our body temperature regulated, prevents infection, and provides nutrients for our body’s cells. We should be drinking 6-8 glasses of water every day, however, when it is particularly warm we should be drinking water more regularly. Make sure that you keep track of how much water you drink throughout the day and moderate it depending on whether you are drinking enough. 

Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

Eat smart 

In addition to drinking plenty of water, another way to stay hydrated is to eat smart. Fresh foods, such as lettuce, cucumber, and celery, have a high water content which helps us to hydrate when we eat them. When it’s particularly warm try to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables and avoid eating meat. When our bodies break down meat we use extra energy, which causes us to sweat, otherwise known as the ‘meat sweats’.

Photo by Elle Hughes from Pexels

Go outside

If there is a gentle summer breeze, then make sure to take regular breaks and go outside. Take a walk around a park, your neighbourhood, or even your own garden, but make sure that you make the most of the nice weather and breathe in some fresh air. Not only will the breeze help to cool you down, but regularly breathing fresh air increases productivity as it de-stresses the body and clears the mind. Of course, if it is a particularly humid day going outside may cause your temperature to increase rather than cool you down, so try and avoid heading outside in such conditions. 

Photo by Samson Katt from Pexels

Sit at a desk/table

When working from home, it can sometimes be luxurious to work from the comfort of the couch or even a bed. That being said, when it is warm the last thing you want is a hot laptop sitting on your legs. Avoid this unnecessary heat by working from a desk, table, or any surface where you can place your laptop and sit comfortably. 

Photo by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels

Try to alter your working hours

As the sun sets the temperature drops, making for much more comfortable working conditions. If you are in a job that allows you to do so, have a conversation with your manager/HR department about altering your working hours. Pitch starting later in the day and working until later in the night so that you can avoid the hottest hours of the day. This could help increase your productivity and prevent you from suffering through working in the heat.

Photo by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels

Working from home is difficult regardless of the weather. Let us take one thing off of your mind by taking care of your laundry. Simply head to the Laundryheap website or download the free Laundryheap app to book your order now.


How To Beat The Summer Heat In The Office

If you have an AC in your office, you’re lucky. For those that rely on fans to keep cool in the office during the summer, you know the struggle to concentrate at work is real. If the heat is too much to bear and you’re losing concentration as well as feeling exhausted, here are a few tips that will help you beat the summer heat in the office.

How To Beat The Summer Heat In The Office

  • Dress accordingly

Wear clothes that are appropriate for the weather that are thin and breathable. Avoid wearing layers and clothing with thick material. Choose breathable and light coloured clothing. If you have to wear a full suit, wear a short-sleeved button-down shirt if you can.

  • Stay hydrated

Remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Prepare some ice-cold water bottles by putting them in the freezer overnight or keep your water bottle in the fridge if your office has one.

  • Go easy on caffeine

Almost everyone needs their coffee or tea to kick start their morning and several more cups to keep them fuelled during the day. Caffeine in coffee and tea increases the heart rate and blood flow, causing your body temperature to rise. In warmer weather, it’s best to drink fewer of these caffeinated drinks to ensure that your body temperature doesn’t rise too much.

  • Eat small meals

When you eat heavy meals, your metabolism has to work hard to digest it. As a result, it increases your body temperature and can leave you feeling sluggish. It’s better to eat light meals frequently so that you don’t feel overheated. Consider eating leafy vegetables, fresh fruit and nuts.

  • Bring a portable fan

It doesn’t matter if you have a fan in the office already, get yourself a hand-held electric fan. You’ll be able to put the fan as close to your face as you want and you can take it around with you everywhere.

  • Cooling facial sprays

Invest in a cooling facial spray to get a bit of cold water on your face every so often during the day. Works wells for when you’re travelling to and from the office too. Alternatively you can take frequent trips to the bathroom and sprinkle some cold water on your face and neck.

  • Rinse your wrist with cold water

Let your body temperature cool down by running cold water on your wrists to clear out heat from your system and help lower your body temperature.

These tips are to help you keep cool during your day, but it won’t completely stop you from sweating. If you find yourself going through twice as many clothes this summer resulting in a mountainous laundry pile, let Laundryheap take your laundry troubles away.

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