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5 New Year Resolutions To Make In 2023

It’s a tale as old as time – when the new year comes, people are more motivated to set goals for themselves. Most times, the motivation to achieve these goals fades away by February. To make your year different, it’s best to set realistic goals and we’re here to help you do just that! Here are 5 new year resolutions to make in 2023.

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6 Airbnb Hosting Mistakes To Avoid

Hosting an Airbnb comes with challenges and rewards. Along the journey, mistakes will be made, and some mistakes will be brought up by guests in the reviews. To help you make hosting easier, here are some Airbnb hosting mistakes to avoid.

airbnb hosting mistakes to avoid

1. Misleading Information

The first Airbnb hosting mistake to avoid is putting up misleading information on your Airbnb profile. Guests will not forget about your description once they’ve booked and stayed in.

In fact, a very common complaint, made by Airbnb guests, is the description not being accurate. Your job as an Airbnb host is to be clear and not set unrealistic expectations for your guests. Mention all the rules show clear pictures of what the guest room looks like etc.

2. Ignoring Guest Reviews

Guest reviews are beneficial – they present an opportunity for you to build trust with your guests and interact with them. If you see a positive review, reply to it, and thank them for their positive comment.

Crucially, if you see a negative review, don’t ignore it. Ignoring guest reviews is a big Airbnb hosting mistake. Reply to any bad reviews and see what caused their negative experience. This way, you’ll have a reputation as an honest helpful Airbnb host who tries to resolve concerns.

3. Not Prioritising Cleaning

A fresh scent is a delightful way to welcome guests and make them feel at home. Whether it’s the toilet, bathroom, hallways or kitchen, cleaning duties must be done. If you make this mistake, you face the risk of complaints and even attracting PESTs.

Furthermore, we also advise avoiding making the mistake of not regularly changing bed linens and towels. Guests want hygiene assurance so monitor these items closely and change or wash them after every guest.

To help you, we do offer fresh bed linens and towels so your guests can use them and enjoy a comfortable stay.

4. Not Planning The Amenities

Airbnb hosts will get better with experience when it comes to having the right amenities available. Every guest has different needs but there are amenities that will cater for everyone.

Don’t make the mistake of leaving the guest room short of amenities. Provide the essentials such as wardrobe, hangers, dryer, coffee, tea, snacks, fridge, ironing board, microwave etc.  

5. Not Considering Security Measures

Hosting an Airbnb is rewarding but there will always be a risk attached to it because, at the end of the day, both the guest and host are strangers. Don’t make the mistake of ignoring security measures.

Firstly, start with the basics that protect you and your guest. Install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Have first aid kits available in case any accidents happen.

Install keypad locks and give your guests a code so they can enter the Airbnb so only they know it, and no strangers can enter.

Also, be clear in your listing about the people that already live in the house. Your guests will not feel safe if they suddenly come across someone they didn’t know was living there.

6. Running The Airbnb All By Yourself

Running and hosting an Airbnb all by yourself may go well for a few weeks but eventually, the workload will tire you. Managing your online presence, changing toilet papers, bed linens, towels, cleaning rooms etc. is enough to exhaust anyone.

It’s always better to partner with a service to make your job as a host easier. Teamwork makes the dream work after all. If there is a cleaning provider, partner up with them so they can clean your Airbnb.

Laundryheap is a great service to partner up with! We can wash your own items or rent our bed linens and towels to you on demand!

airbnb guests happy laundry service

Whether you’re new or experienced, mistakes are part and parcel of the journey but learning from them is what matters. We hope our blog has given you more awareness on the most common Airbnb hosting mistakes to avoid.

Happy hosting!

airbnb mistakes to avoid - not partnering up with a laundry service

To learn more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free app on iOS or Android.

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5 Tips To Sleep Better In The Heat

The British summer is soaring. We all love ice cream and picnics, but the high temperatures can disrupt our sleep. Sometimes even opening all the windows and using a fan doesn’t make a big difference. In this blog, we’ll go through the things you can do to sleep better in the heat.

summer nature flower

1. Stay Hydrated

In the middle of a heatwave, it’s always best to stay hydrated with cool water. Your body is sweating throughout the day and by drinking water, you are replenishing the fluids lost from all the sweating. Carry a bottle of water with you and stay hydrated as it also helps to sleep better in the heat.

drinking water and staying hydrated

2. Stay Active

We feel you. The heatwave does exhaust our energy levels. You’d be forgiven for thinking napping restores our energy but it will make sleep difficult at night. Instead, you should stay active by going for walks and even for a jog. You will get better sleep if you feel tired.

Exercising in the summer. cyclist.

3. Use Less Electricity In Your Room

If you’re not watching TV, turn it off because it will only spread more heat around your room. You want to prevent heat from building up in your room so use less electricity. At night-time, open your windows to allow the air to circulate all around.

TV remote. turn off tv to sleep better in the heat

4. Lower Your Body Temperature

Before you go to sleep, go for a quick cool shower so your body’s temperature goes down. Not only do cool showers help you to sleep better in the heat but they also have health benefits as they help improve blood circulation and help the muscle recover.

Tips to sleep better in the heat - shower

5. Choose The Right Bedding

The key to a good night’s sleep in the heatwave is to choose the right bedding. The general rule of thumb is to use thin cotton sheets as these absorb sweat better.

We all love the smell of fresh bedding, and it does make for a cosy sleep so make sure you are washing your bedding regularly in the summer. If you need help, just get in touch with Laundryheap and we’ll launder it for you!

tips to sleep better in the heat - use right bedding

Summer is usually welcomed with open arms as it presents a lot of fun activities. However, it’s important you follow these 5 tips to sleep better in the heat. Sleep is important for the mind and to stay productive the next day.

We hope you have a great weekend!

laundry delivery service

To learn more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free app on iOS or Android.

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Find the perfect work/life balance whilst working from home

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

One of the biggest challenges of working from home is establishing your work/life balance. It’s too easy to send one quick email, and end up working until the middle of the night from the comfort of your bed. Follow these tips to establish the perfect work/life balance whilst you’re working from home.

  • Establish your workspace
  • Stick to a routine
  • Give yourself time in the morning 
  • Make a to-do list 
  • Plan your breaks
  • Schedule social events 
  • Check-in with yourself 
  • Use your out-of-office 
  • Leave your work at the end of the day 
  • Avoid work at the weekends 

Establish your workspace 

Bringing your work into your home can feel like an invasion. Suddenly your safe space becomes your workspace as well, and it can feel overwhelming trying to separate the 2. That is why it is important to establish a workspace. If you have a spare room in your home that you can turn into a home office that’s great, but if you don’t, use a corner of any room. Confining your working environment to 1 room or corner will make it easier for you to establish the areas of your home where you need to be in work mode and the areas where you can relax

Photo by olia danilevich from Pexels

Stick to a routine 

When we were travelling to work we were in a routine. Now that routine has been disrupted it’s time to establish a new one. A routine will help you to set boundaries between when you are working and when you are not. Your body and brain will begin to notice when you need to focus on work and when you can relax, despite both happening under the same roof. Your routine doesn’t have to be extensive, it can simply be establishing a time to get up every morning, but having one will make separating your work time and downtime a lot easier. 

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Give yourself time in the morning 

It’s all too easy to roll out of bed in the morning and open your laptop straight away. Although this means that you can sleep in later than you normally would on a workday, it also means that your mind and body haven’t had time to wake up before you start working. Instead, wake up half an hour to an hour before you start work and allow yourself time to properly wake. You don’t necessarily have to do anything strenuous in this time, perhaps simply get up and enjoy a morning beverage, but it’s important to allow yourself time to fully wake up before straining yourself with work. 

Photo by Daniela Constantini from Pexels

Make a to-do list 

To-do lists are excellent at focusing the mind and allowing you to set clear goals for your day. Before you start work, jot down everything that you have to do that day, and in the order that you will do them in. This will help you clear your mind and focus solely on the tasks at hand, whilst also giving yourself an indication of when you can finish work for the day. That being said, don’t panic if you don’t get everything on your to-do list completed before the day is done. You shouldn’t be working any later than your contracted hours, and anything that you haven’t done can wait for tomorrow. 

Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

Plan your breaks 

Breaks are important whether you are working from home or in an office. You should be taking breaks every hour for a minimum of 10 minutes to give your eyes a break from your screen and to move your body. Every hour get up from your workspace and move to another area of your home. For 5-10 minutes do something non-work-related, such as have a walk around your home, read a book, or listen to music. This will give your brain time to rest and reset before taking on the next hour of work. 

Photo by Jack Sparrow from Pexels

Schedule social events 

It’s important that you don’t let your work take over your home as a safe and comforting area to relax. To prevent this from happening, schedule social events for after work and the weekends. This could be dinner with friends, a coffee, or even just watching a movie with a loved one. Whatever it is, it’s important that your home remains your home and not an extension of your workplace. 

Photo by olia danilevich from Pexels

Check in with yourself 

Burnout is very common with individuals who work from home because they don’t establish a strong work/life balance. Rather than finishing work at a set time, they continue working throughout the night because they don’t physically have to leave the space they are in. This can cause a rapid decline in mental health and can result in you becoming both mentally and physically unwell. To prevent yourself from experiencing burnout check in with yourself every week to make sure that the way you are working is working for you. If you notice that you are fatigued or overwhelmed, take a step back and evaluate how you can alter the way that you are working. It may also be beneficial to reach out to friends, family, or HR to express how you are feeling. Remember that no work is more important than your health and wellbeing. 

Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich from Pexels

Use your out-of-office 

Similar to checking in with yourself, if you are particularly busy or feel like you need some time to yourself, don’t be afraid to use your out-of-office to let colleagues know that you don’t want to be contacted. This can be incredibly helpful when you are feeling overwhelmed and you need to refocus your mind. You can turn your out-of-office on and off as and when it suits you, so don’t be afraid to use it. 

Photo by Lukas from Pexels

Leave your work at the end of the day  

As soon as the end of the workday comes, move away from your work. Do not get stuck in the trap of finishing something off quickly, or answering one more email, because you will find yourself working hours after you’re scheduled to leave work. Instead, when the end of the work day comes, finish off the task you were doing, or leave it at a sensible end for you to pick up on tomorrow, and physically remove yourself from your workspace. It isn’t until you physically remove yourself from the area that you will be able to completely relax and enjoy the rest of your day. It’s crucial that you set these boundaries. 

Photo by Cup of Couple from Pexels

Avoid work at the weekends 

Another crucial boundary for you to set is to avoid doing work at the weekends. The weekend is when you can completely relax, reset your mind, and give yourself time to rest. Just because your work is at home and easily accessible does not mean that you should be doing it in your downtime. Instead, avoid going near your workspace during the weekend, and take the time to do something enjoyable and fun. This will help you to establish the difference between your working life at home and your relaxing life at home, helping you to establish a solid work/life balance. 

Photo by Ivan Babydov from Pexels

Working from home is stressful, and laundry only adds to that stress. Instead of overwhelming yourself, book a Laundryheap order today and let us tick one thing off of your list. To book your Laundryheap order today simply head to the Laundryheap website or download the free Laundryheap app.

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Top tips for getting back to work 

The Christmas decorations are down, the festive food has been eaten, and the new year has well and truly begun. Your first day back at work is looming and it seems like Christmas was only yesterday. Don’t worry though, because these tips will have you feeling ready to get back to work in no time. 

  • Get organised 
  • Wear your mood
  • Schedule your time for you
  • Set goals 
  • Eat happy 
  • Catch up with your colleagues 
  • Try to keep a positive attitude 
  • Give yourself a break 

Get organised 

As the saying goes: fail to prepare, prepare to fail. The evening before your first day back at work get everything you need for the next day organised. Think about what you are going to wear and make sure that each item is freshly washed and ironed. Pack your bag, making sure that you have everything you need, including a spare charger, keys, purse, etc. This will prevent a mad rush to find missing items in the morning. Finally, make sure that you have breakfast provisions. Even if your breakfast is a coffee and a breakfast bar, make sure that you have the essentials in. Even if you are working from home it’s important to be organised the night before your first day back as it will help you get back into a working mindset. 

Photo by Adrienne Andersen from Pexels

Wear your mood

Whether you are working from home or back in the office, wearing your mood will make your first day back at work a lot more enjoyable. Whether you want to dress in a colour that makes you happy, wear a piece of jewellery you received for Christmas, or wear an outfit that makes you think of a fond memory, wearing something that makes you smile will make your first day at work a little less painful. 

Photo by from Pexels

Schedule your time for you

It can be overwhelming going back to work after an extended period of time off, so it’s important that you schedule your time. Rather than scheduling a week full of meetings and catch-ups, schedule your time for you. Use your first day back as a way to ease in to your workflow. Blocking out time to look through your emails, catch up on projects, and evaluate what there is to do. Your first day, or even your first week, back at work may not seem very productive, but it is a great opportunity to reorganise yourself, and your time, ready for the year ahead.  

Photo by Bich Tran from Pexels

Set goals 

During your first day, or week, back at work think about what you want for the upcoming year. You may have made personal new years resolutions, but what about your professional ones? What are your professional goals for this year and how are you going to achieve them? You won’t be able to get back into the flow of work without knowing what goals you are working towards achieving, so use your time wisely to think about what you want. 

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Eat happy 

They say that you are what you eat, so eating happy will make you happy. By eating happy, we mean eating food that makes you feel good. This should be food that is nutritious, balanced, and, above all, tastes amazing. Eating a well-balanced and nutritious meal will keep your energy up throughout the workday. You may also want to make your plate as colourful as possible as looking at bright and vibrant colours is proven to make us feel happier. 

Photo by joost van os from Pexels

Catch up with your colleagues

On your first day back at work make time to catch up with your colleagues. It may feel like you have so much to do that you don’t have time to catch up, but it’s important to make time to socialise with the people you work with and show an interest in their lives outside of the office. Schedule a coffee break with your work friends, even if just for 30 minutes, to catch up on what they’ve been up to and share holiday anecdotes. You can even share your first-day back stresses.  You, and your colleagues, will feel a lot better afterwards.

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

Try to keep a positive attitude  

Going back to work can be incredibly stressful and overwhelming. It’s much easier said than done, but on your first day back, try and keep a positive attitude. Focus on the positives of going back to work, such as seeing colleagues and getting back in to a routine, rather than the stressful aspects. This will help to keep your stress levels low, and help you manage your workload better. Just remember that the first day back is hard for everyone, so a positive attitude can brighten your day as well as everyone else’s. 

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Give yourself a break

The most important thing to remember when getting back to work is to give yourself a break. Accept that you will have a lot to catch up on, but won’t be as productive as you many want to be. Give yourself time to ease back into your routine, catch-up with colleagues, and think about what you want from the upcoming year. Start your year at work off right by being kind to yourself. 

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Whilst you get back to work, we will tick laundry off of your to-do list. To book your Laundryheap order head to the Laundryheap website or download the free Laundryheap app. 


Wedding guest tips

Photo by Asad Photo Maldives from Pexels

Being invited to a wedding is an honour and a privilege- it means that the happy couple wants to include you in their special day. It can also be nerve-wracking to remember how to be the perfect wedding guest. Follow these 10 simple tips and you won’t have anything to worry about. 

  • Read the invitation carefully
  • Buy appropriate attire
  • Be punctual 
  • Mingle
  • Be aware of your phone 
  • Don’t block the camera
  • Be mindful of the newlyweds 
  • Don’t be afraid to hit the dance floor
  • Have fun 


Being the perfect wedding guest starts before the actual wedding. When you receive your RSVP, respond as soon as possible. It’s best to let the wedding party know as soon as you can whether you can make the ceremony or not so that they can finalise the number of guests that will be attending and let their vendors know. You may think that your RSVP is insignificant, but it is not. As soon as you receive your invitation, check your calendar, and make a decision. 

Photo by Tara Winstead from Pexels

Read the invitation carefully

Once you have decided to attend the wedding, make sure that you read the full invitation and read it carefully. All of the relevant information you will need to know, such as the dress code, wedding venue, whether you have a plus one, etc. will be on the invitation, and you don’t want to miss a crucial detail. 

Photo by Bảo Phúc from Pexels

Buy appropriate attire 

Deciding on an outfit for a wedding can be incredibly stressful. Unless stated otherwise, the wedding dress code is usually black tie. Suits, dresses, skirts, and jumpsuits are all appropriate forms of wedding attire, just remember to NEVER wear white. Try and wear something that reflects the season the wedding is being held in. For example, for a summer wedding you may want to wear something floral. If you have any reservations about what to wear, ask around. Consult with friends and family who will give you a heads up if your outfit is inappropriate for the occasion. 

Photo by Trung Nguyen from Pexels

Be punctual

When the day of the wedding arrives it’s important to be punctual. You don’t want to be hunched over, waving apologetically, as you stumble behind the bride as she walks down the aisle. Instead, arrive with plenty of time to mingle beforehand, find yourself a seat, and fully settle before the ceremony begins. This will make your experience a lot more relaxing and enjoyable, and avoid any unwanted attention or awkwardness. 

Photo by Sairam Rasa from Pexels


Weddings are a great place to socialise. Whether you talk to friends and family you haven’t had a chance to catch up with in years, or you find yourself meeting new people, it’s important to mingle with the other guests in attendance. Every wedding should have a bright and fun atmosphere, and that will only be achieved through wedding guest mingling. 

Photo by Los Muertos Crew from Pexels

Be aware of your phone

Before heading into the wedding ceremony it’s important to either put your phone on silent or completely turn it off. You don’t want to cause any disruptions with an unwarranted phone call or text message. Once you are at the reception, it is fine to check your phone, but be wary of how much. You want to experience the day and be there for the happy couple, so don’t spend all of your time checking your phone. 

Photo by Sasha Kim from Pexels

Don’t block the camera

There will undoubtedly be many people looking to get a shot of the happy couple, including professional photographers hired for the event. Whilst you may be asked to be part of a few photos, be mindful of where the cameras are at all times. You don’t want to be the person who has ruined the happiest day of a couples life by photobombing.

Photo by Kaboompics .com from Pexels

Be mindful of the newlyweds

Getting married is fun and exciting, but it can also be incredibly stressful. Between mingling with guests, giving speeches, and enjoying their first dance, they aren’t given a lot of time to themselves. As a wedding guest, you don’t want to add any unnecessary stress onto the newlyweds day. You may be excited to congratulate them and wish them all the best, but don’t crowd them or take up too much of their time. You aren’t the only one there to celebrate their big day. 

Photo by Wallace Araujo from Pexels

Don’t be afraid to hit the dancefloor 

The wedding reception is the party after the formalities of the marriage are completed. It’s where the fun really begins. Sometimes, guests can be hesitant to hit the dancefloor, but don’t be. Somebody has to get the party started, and who better to take on that role than you. Throw your inhibitions away, let your hair down, and let yourself dance

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Have fun

The most important task for a wedding guest is to have fun. Weddings are a celebration of love and happiness, so let yourself enjoy the day. Nothing brings a mood down quite like a sulking wedding guest, so bring your most dazzling smile, and have fun celebrating love. 

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Make sure your outfit stays wedding ready by letting us dry clean it for you. Simply head to the Laundryheap website or download the free Laundryheap app to book your order.

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Thanksgiving top tips

Image by Biljana Jovanovic from Pixabay

Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks for everything that you are grateful for. It can also be incredibly stressful for the person/people cooking the Thanksgiving dinner. These top tips will take some of that stress away. 

  • Make a game plan
  • Stick to the basics
  • Don’t forget the drinks
  • Ask guests to contribute
  • Organise your kitchen effectively
  • Stock up on containers
  • Start prep the night before
  • Keep recipes in reach and in order
  • Enlist help 
  • Enjoy your day

Make a game plan

Before Thanksgiving day arrives, sit down, with a pen and paper, and come up with a game plan. Think about how you want the day to run, what dishes you want to cook, what food you need to buy, etc. Start by brainstorming all of your ideas, and then narrow them down. Come up with a timetable of how the day will run and this will help prepare you.

Stick to the basics 

Thanksgiving dinner does not have to be a fancy, high-end, 5 course affair. Cover the basics before you start turning into Gordon Ramsey. Focus on getting the turkey, seasonal vegetables, potatoes, and cranberry sauce perfect, and worry about the rest later. If you need to, print out recipes for each section of your dinner and organise them by time of when you will need them.

 Don’t forget the drinks 

Make sure that your drinks cabinet is well-stocked for your guests. It may also be a good idea to think about how you will be serving your drinks. If you are busy making Thanksgiving dinner, it may be best to leave bottles of wine and beer in ice buckets around the room for guests to help themselves. Think about what will be easiest for you. 

Ask guests to contribute 

It doesn’t matter how many people you are cooking for, cooking a Thanksgiving dinner is a big undertaking. There is lots to buy, think about, and, surprise surprise, cook. As such, it is more than acceptable for you to ask your guests to contribute in some way. This could be by bringing the wine, making a dessert, or providing the vegetables. Every guest should be contributing in some way. 

Organise your kitchen effectively 

To make your Thanksgiving cooking as easy as possible make sure that your kitchen is organised effectively. Make room in your fridge for all of your food and drinks by clearing it out a couple of days before Thanksgiving. As well as this, re-organise your kitchen so that all of the equipment that you will need is easy to reach. This will hopefully alleviate some of the stress of cooking.

Stock up on containers 

It’s always best to have too much food than too little. With this in mind, make sure that you have plenty of containers ready to put the leftovers in. You can give your leftovers to your guests and let them enjoy your cooking a couple of days after the feast itself. Make sure that you keep some for yourself though. 

Start prep the night before 

There will be so many things to think about on Thanksgiving day, so it’s best to begin your prep the day before. Get some of the simpler tasks, such as cutting up vegetables and setting the table, done the day before. This will give you more time on Thanksgiving day to focus on the cooking of everything rather than the prep. 

Keep recipes in reach and in order

Stay calm whilst you are cooking by keeping your recipes in reach and in order. That way, if you need to check anything you can reach the right recipe in seconds. 

Enlist help

Remember: you don’t have to cook a whole Thanksgiving meal on your own. Enlist the help of your guests to take care of some of the smaller tasks, so that you can focus on the bigger ones. This could include, making the sauce, boiling the vegetables, or even just making sure nothing burns. A little help can really go a long way, so make sure you ask for some.

Enjoy your day

The most important thing to remember is that Thanksgiving is your day to enjoy as well. Don’t let the pressure of cooking get you down. Relax, enjoy your day, and spend some quality time giving thanks with your friends and family. 

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Whilst you are busy enjoying your Thanksgiving, let us take care of your laundry. We will pick-up, launder, and re-deliver your laundry within 24 hours. Simply head to the Laundryheap website or download the free Laundryheap. 

We are now operational is Washington DC.


Top tips for packing a travel backpack

Whether you’re camping for a week, or travelling the world on a gap year, packing a travel backpack is difficult. Here are some tips to help you out. 

  • Make a list
  • Pockets, pockets, pockets
  • Be versatile 
  • Roll your clothes
  • Toiletries at the top
  • Don’t forget a plastic bag
  • Make sure it’s waterproof
  • Weight distribution
  • Make your bag distinctive
  • Lock it up

Make a list 

Before you even begin packing you need to write a list. Write down everything that you need- clothes, shoes, underwear, toiletries, etc. Writing a list will help you to visualise exactly what you will need to fit in your backpack and can help you eliminate the unnecessary items. Additionally, writing down what you will need could help you to think of essentials that you may have forgotten about. Once you have made your list, you can then begin to think about the space that your backpack provides you and how everything is going to fit into it. 

Pockets, pockets, pockets

You may have noticed that your travel backpack has an abundance of pockets. You need to utilise the space that these pockets provide. They are perfect for separating your clothes, storing important items, such as money and your passport, and even storing your water bottle in an accessible place. Take note of the location of these pockets and, before you begin packing, evaluate what items will be best to put in them.

Be versatile 

When it comes to the clothing that you pack be as versatile as possible. You don’t have a lot of room, so you need to be smart about the clothing you choose. You need to pack suitable clothing for the climate that you are travelling to, that can be worn on multiple occasions. Remember, whilst your travelling you may not always have access to cleaning facilities, so think about investing in easily washable, and stain-resistant clothing. 

Roll your clothes

Once you have made a list and decided on your items, you can begin packing. It’s important to always be conscious of the amount of space that you have in your backpack. To conserve as much space as possible, roll your clothes rather than fold them. Not only will this conserve space, but it will also prevent your clothes from becoming overly wrinkled

Image by WordRidden

Toiletries at the top

It’s always best to leave your toiletries until last so that they rest at the top of your backpack. As you are travelling there will be times when you want to quickly freshen up, maybe after a long hike or particularly gruelling plane ride, and the easier your toiletries can be accessible the sooner you can continue your adventure. You never know when you will need a deodorant top-up, so it’s best to keep it somewhere accessible, just in case. 

Image by Jack Kennard

Don’t forget a plastic bag 

Unlike when packing for a normal holiday, when you’re packing a travel backpack you need to think about things that you will need for every scenario. Plastic bags, for example, are a staple for any backpacker. They can be used to store dirty and/or wet clothes so, when you do come across a cleaning facility, you will know what items need to be washed. This delays the amount of time you spend doing laundry and gives you more time to explore.

Make sure it’s waterproof

No matter what climate you are travelling to your backpack must be waterproof. You don’t want your clothing, possessions, and important travel documents to become water-logged on your travels. If your backpack is not already waterproof, or if you would like an extra waterproof layer for protection, you can buy a waterproof bag cover. 

Image by Kevin Teague

Weight distribution

It’s important to remember that you will be carrying your backpack with you most, if not at all, times whilst you are travelling. This means that you have to make sure that your backpack is not too heavy or difficult for you to carry. The best way to ensure this is to put the heaviest items nearest to your spine, meaning that they are packed first and towards the middle of the bag. Medium-weighted items should be put towards the top of your backpack, with the lightest items, such as clothing, being put at the bottom. The aim is to keep the weight centred and close to your body so that it doesn’t pull painfully at your back and shoulders. 

Make your bag distinctive 

There are only a certain number of different travel backpack designs. This means that you may come into contact with other people who have the same, or at least a very similar, backpack as yourself. To avoid any potential bag mix-up make sure that your backpack is very distinctive looking. This way, if you do lose it for any reason, you can easily describe it. Use bright colours and embellishments to make your bag stand out. Think outside of the box and get creative. 

Lock it up 

You need to make sure that your backpack is as safe and secure as possible. Buy yourself a lock that can be looped around your backpack and prevent people without a key from accessing the contents of it. The easiest way to prevent anything from happening to your bag is to make sure that it is with you at all times. Try not to let your bag out of your sight if you can. 

Luckily, Laundryheap is fully operational in several countries around the world, including Singapore, Kuwait and the US. Whilst your travelling don’t forget to use our postcode checker to see if we can take the stress of doing laundry away from you. Head to the Laundryheap website or download the free Laundryheap app to book your slot now. 


Top ten wardrobe organisation tips

Photo by Victoria Borodinova from Pexels

Regardless of the size and shape of your wardrobe, there never seems to be enough room to tidily fit all of your clothes. These top ten wardrobe organisation tips will help you de-clutter and re-organise your wardrobe for optimum space and an aesthetically pleasing look. 

  • Have a clear-out 
  • Change your wardrobe with the seasons 
  • Deep clean your wardrobe
  • Hang your clothes by category 
  • Colour code your clothing 
  • Use coordinating hangers
  • Utilise shelving space
  • Use storage boxes
  • Maximise vertical storage space
  • Utilise empty wall space

Have a clear-out 

If your wardrobe is looking cluttered and disorganised the first thing to do is have a clear out. Take everything out- clothes, shoes, accessories, bags, and anything else you may have in there, and lay it all out on your bed. Sift through your items and throw out anything that you don’t want or need anymore. 

TOP TIP: If you’re finding it difficult to throw items away think about when the last time you have wore or used the item was. If it wasn’t in the last 6-12 months, and the item has no sentimental value, then throw it away. 

Rather than discarding your clothes in the bin, donate them to a local charity shop or clothing donation bin. If you no longer need the clothing for yourself, why not give it to someone less fortunate. 

De-cluttering your wardrobe of items you no longer wear or use will leave you with a much clearer wardrobe that is easier to navigate and more aesthetically pleasing to look at.

Photo by viviandnguyen_

Change your wardrobe with the seasons 

Your winter and autumn wardrobe will contain bulkier clothing, such as jumpers, whereas your summer and spring wardrobe will consist of thinner materials. The best way to utilise the space in your wardrobe is by alternating your clothing with the seasons. This means that you will have plenty of space in the autumn and winter for your bulkier clothing, and room to spare in the summer and spring with the absence of unnecessary items. Make sure that you store your clothing away properly to avoid ruining them.

Deep clean your wardrobe 

Every 3 months take everything out of your wardrobe and give it a deep clean. Wipe down all the walls and doors, hoover the bottom of it to get rid of any dust, and spray the inside of it with room spray. Not only will this leave your wardrobe gleaming from the outside, but it will also prevent your clothing from becoming unnecessarily dusty from being left in a dirty wardrobe. 

Hang your clothes by category

We’ve all been in that situation where you’re running late for something and can’t seem to find the right thing to wear. Endlessly flicking through your clothes, trying desperately to find something appropriate. Make it easier to find your perfect outfit by organising your clothes by category. Keep all of your trousers, shirts, jackets, etc. together. This will make it easier to see what clothes you have available to you and also make clothing combinations easier to figure out. 

Colour code your clothing 

If you want to go one step further from hanging your clothes by category, you may also want to hang your clothes by colour. If you are a particularly visual person, you may find it easier to pick your outfits by sourcing what particular items you want to wear by their colour. Not to mention, this will look incredibly visually effective when you open your wardrobe.

Use coordinating hangers

If you want to make your wardrobe look organised use the same coloured and sized hangers. Nothing screams wardrobe chaos more than clothes hung on an abundance of different sized and coloured hangers. Using the same hangers will make your wardrobe look more uniform and therefore more organised.

Utilise shelving space

If you have shelves in your wardrobe, or the space to install shelves, utilise that space. Use your shelves to stack heavy and bulky items that take up space in your wardrobe, but won’t lose their shape if folded and stacked. Stack jumpers, denim items and anything else that may take up a lot of wardrobe space.

Photo by Magnus D

Use storage boxes

If you have space in your wardrobe for storage boxes use that space. Use storage boxes to store everyday t-shirts, pyjamas, and work out outfits. These items are less likely to lose shape and become overly wrinkled, and will also save an abundance of room for other clothes to be hung up. Additionally, because these items tend to be made from thinner material you can store more items in a smaller space. 

Maximise vertical storage space

No matter the size and shape of your wardrobe, you will always have vertical space that you can utilise. If you don’t have any space to store your shoes, why not get a hanging shoe rack to put over your wardrobe doors. Alternatively, you can buy specialised hangers to hang accessories, belts, and scarves from. This can save on using individual hangers for individual scarves etc. Whatever vertical storage you have, make sure to utilise it as best as you can. 

Photo by Rubbermaid Products

Utilise empty wall space  

Not all clothing items need to be put in your wardrobe. If you own many scarves and belts, utilise your empty wall space and hang your accessories on the wall. You can do so by either using nails or investing in a wall holder. This will de-clutter your wardrobe of unnecessary accessories and make it easier for you to choose your accessory for the day.

Now that you’ve organised your wardrobe, let us dry clean your clothing. Book a slot using the Laundryheap website or downloading the free Laundryheap app.